Let's Make some noise!

Sound By Dr P

Don't settle for mediocre sound. Choose Sound by Dr P for high quality audio to bring your project to life.


“Andy is an awesome Sound Designer and Composer. The range of music and sound effects he can do with such high fidelity has awed me. His decorum and thoughtfulness elevates the whole team to be better. Im honored to have him on our team”

  • Kurt Graebener, Project Lead, Chronocraft LLC

“Dependable, top quality audio where the care and attention to detail is always evident

  • Pete Oddy, Studio Manager, Chatterbox Audio

“I worked alongside Andy on my master’s final major project ‘The Sounds a House Makes’. He was an amazing asset to the team during production and post-production, the film truly would’ve never been such a high standard without him. He’s a fantastic personality to have on set always laughing and making jokes and was always in the right places to record the best audio possible, he was a director’s dream, he essentially directed himself!

In post-production Andy was essential to the project coming together, he worked to all deadlines and always went the extra mile on what I’d asked of him. He always kept an open line of communication with me, and the project really benefitted from it! His sound design was exceptional, and the music composition was flawless, he really bought the house to life!

Thank you for your time and expertise! I look forward to working with you again in the future.”

  • Ben Walton, Director, The Sounds A House Makes


Whatever your audio needs, let's work together to make your project stand out from the competition