About me

Hi, I’m Andy (Dr P), I am a multi-skilled audio freelancer. Sound has always been my passion. I have been fortunate to work with sound both creatively and scientifically, giving me a unique perspective.

I am a composer & sound designer for Chronocraft, as well as working on short films, producing my own music as Dr Parker and editing lots of audiobooks. I have a wide range of experience allowing me to work to the highest standards across different aspects of audio work.

In addition to freelance work, I completed an MA in Electronic Music Production, which adds to previous qualifications in Music Technology, Sound Engineering and Acoustics.

Whether it is music, sound design, recording or editing – let’s work together to make your project stand out from the competition.

A bit more about me

I have a PhD in Genetics from my previous career as an auditory scientist. I studied the ear and causes of hereditary hearing loss for more than 20 years, so I got to know a fair bit about how we hear and perceive sound.

No! In fact please don’t, Andy is fine!

I have been into music and sound from a very early age, starting with making ‘radio shows’ recording with a microphone and my parents LP’s! I had lessons for clarinet and organ as a child, but was never what you would call a virtuoso! I used to love playing the keyboard, and spent a lot of time in the music block at school, using very early versions of Cubase – I caught the music-tech bug. I then got an Atari ST and started sampling audio with an 8-bit sampler card. Following this I discovered DJ-ing, taught myself to beatmatch and scratch, started playing out and held a few long term residencies. In this time I was lucky enough to perform alongside many of my musical heroes. These included, Skitz, Phi Life Cypher, Task Force, Jehst, Karl Hinds, Black Twang, Roll Deep, LTJ Bukem, DJ Cash Money and more. I then started to focus more on making music and beats using samplers and computers, and have been using hardware and software of many different types to develop my skills and satisfy the audio nerd in me ever since.

I like anything as long as it is good! I used to DJ and be heavily influenced by Hip-Hop, Trip-Hop, D&B, Jungle and Reggae and this comes across in music I produce. One of my favourite things ever is to find an awesome sample, chop it up and make a beat. Recently I have been making more experimental music (see Lab Book!) and using granular sampling and synthesis.
Since I started composing for computer games and films, I have learned to produce a wide range of music and enjoy making this just as much. It is great to compose music using a place, time or feeling for inspiration.

While I was doing my PhD my time was very limited, so I was mainly making beats for myself really as a form of pleasure and relaxation. I have a Soundcloud and Instagram where you can check out some of my music as Dr Parker (links in footer). I will be releasing music through the usual streaming channels in the near future so follow my socials if you are interested about news and updates.


I believe work should be something that drives you to get up. For me that has always been music and sound. My mission is to make some noise!


I use my skills and passion for producing unique and immersive audio to deliver for my customers. Making people happy makes me happy!
